Tuesday 4 December 2012

Rant of the day- Why women put other women down?

For now I am going to do a daily rant of the day.

My first rant is why do women put other women down?

I think this may be a regular occurrence in my blog posts, but this is one thing that really really annoys me, to the point that I want to gather all women together and shake them and be like are you for real?

Now I don't know about you but I think that it's bad enough trying to live up to the media portrayal of women without adding to that with women slagging other women off.

Let's give a few examples:
"Oh my god she looks so fat in that dress"- celebrate curves, and she's probably happy!

"Skinny bitch" (I have admittedly done this but shall from this day forward stop)

"He's too good for her"- Oh and you are?

"Have you seen her hair/make up/dress/shoes"- unless your a world class fashion designer you can't really say this either

"What a slut/whore/slag"- I mean who are we to say these words???

I could go on..but I shan't we all know what we have said or heard other women say.

Now it comes to question do we do it to make ourselves feel better? I don't think it made me feel better when I said Skinny bitch...no it did not! So why do we do it?

As women we should learn to appreciate other women, what happened to girl power? We should stick together! We still live in a society where there is still not equal pay for men and women, and men still control most industries and women are used to sell things rather than make a difference. Women are still only appreciated for their beauty and not their brains.

This female misogyny is worrying and dangerous to society in my opinion. We live in a society where skinny and beautiful models are admired and looked up to rather than highly intelligent women making a difference to the world, making changes, and doing things for the better of humanity.
Most younger girls look up to and admire victoria secret  models (wanting to grow up and do that and look like them) they'd rather watch a victoria secret show than a UN conference for women around the world. It is much more important that they look good and intelligence and education isn't high up in the list of priorities.

Which brings me up to my next point and probably a subsequent blog...Why do girls play dumb to get guys to like them??? Never fails to amaze me.

Keep smiling xoxo

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